We promise to complete all updates by end of March so you can checkout our selection and pricing ahead of stopping in. Remember always a great idea to have an account so you can create a wish list and use it to shop/compare pricing etc. Happy gardening, Dawn

Atlantis Sedum


This is no ordinary Sedum! You can’t help but stop and stare at this beautifully variegated ground-cover takesimense stonecrop from Hortech, Inc. Small, serrated leaves are dark green with very wide creamy yellow margins. From a distance, the margins are what catches your eye. You may notice that the creamy margins become tinged with pink blush tones with cold temperatures late in the fall. A great choice for tucking into rock gardens or dry landscapes, or in combination container with succulents!

Attracts butterflies, bees and rabbit resistant
Full Sun   Blooms late summer to early fall
Height: 15cm(6″)

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