We promise to complete all updates by end of March so you can checkout our selection and pricing ahead of stopping in. Remember always a great idea to have an account so you can create a wish list and use it to shop/compare pricing etc. Happy gardening, Dawn

Corydalis lutea


Also known as a Yellow bleeding heart – although it isn’t a bleeding heart. This amazing long blooming perennial will grow in full sun to full shade. Although it does reseed when in a perfect location it is easily removed.  Everything about this perennial is dainty and refined. Fresh green, fern-like leaves are held in softly falling tiers, resembling the fronds of Maiden-Hair Fern. We love this plant along with Hosta and others in the part shade. Yellow blooms attract all pollinators as well as hummingbirds.  Doesn’t like drought though.

Deer and rabbit resistant.
Height: 35cm(14″) Slug Resistant
Diameter at Maturity: 60cm(24″)


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