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Fern Berry Bladder


Cystopteris bulbifera
Also called bulbet fern or fragile fern.  Cystopteris bulbifera is a deciduous Fern grown as a airy attractive ground cover.  This fern should be used more often given its ability to light up a shady corner and its love of boulders, cracks and crevices in dolomitic limestone, and alkaline soils. The light green upright fronds emerge in spring with bright red petioles, and mature fronds develop bulbils underneath. These drop to the ground, producing new plants and growing the colony where suitable spots exist. It naturalizes hardscapes and water features quickly and blends well with other native and non-aggressive edging plants.   A Midwest & Eastern native, deciduous.   The red stems are more apparent in the spring and look lovely planted around Hosta and other part shade loving plants.    Zone 3

Dappled to part shade   Woodland to well-drained conditions
Height:  20cm(8″-12″)  Diameter:  30cm(12″-24″)

**If you are looking for 15 or more of these plants contact us prior to completing your order.  For large quantities of some of the ferns given notice we can offer better pricing.


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