We promise to complete all updates by end of March so you can checkout our selection and pricing ahead of stopping in. Remember always a great idea to have an account so you can create a wish list and use it to shop/compare pricing etc. Happy gardening, Dawn

Liatris Kobold purple


Also known as Gayfeather or Blazing Star.  One of the amazing native-prairie wildflowers.  We usually add this one or one of the others to our pollinator combos.   Plants form a low clump of grassy looking leaves, bearing tall spikes of bright magenta-purple flowers beginning in midsummer.  Start flowering from the top then fill in downward.  Very useful in the sunny border or meadow garden, or in containers. Drought tolerant. Zone 3

Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bee friendly
Deer Resistant Great for cut flowers
Full sun  Blooms mid-late summer
Height: (35 cm)14″+ Diameter: (45cm)18″

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