We promise to complete all updates by end of March so you can checkout our selection and pricing ahead of stopping in. Remember always a great idea to have an account so you can create a wish list and use it to shop/compare pricing etc. Happy gardening, Dawn

Pardon My Lavender


Monarda didyma
This variety is a great choice when no room for the tall, bushy, traditional Bee Balm in your garden? Here is a petite selection that’s easy to tuck into the front of your sunny border and combination containers. Reaching just a little over a foot tall at maturity, this compact selection forms a bushy, well-branched clump of medium green, semi-glossy foliage. Slightly running, but controlled and refined habit.
From mid through late summer, light lavender pink flowers sit just at the top of the foliage. The insides of the flowers are lighter pink, giving the flower a three-dimensional look. Though the plant may be dwarf, the flowers are the same size as taller selections, measuring a full 2½-3″ across. They add a bright splash of color to the border in high summer.
This selection also offers good resistance to powdery mildew, a problem with many older Bee Balms. Just provide good air circulation, sunshine, and water time to time  and these plants will thrive!

* Great for attracting humming birds and butterflies
Deer resistant
Full to part sun Bloom June – July
Height: 45cm(18″)

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